[POSTPONED] CIPnet Launch Event
Due to the coronavirus outbreak in China, the China Intellectual Property Management Network (CIPnet) Launch Event has been postponed from its scheduled date – April 2, 2020. Tentatively, the Launch Event has been rescheduled for late May / early June 2020. Please check our website for updates. The Event will be hosted by Southwest University in Chongqing, P.R. China.
The Launch Event will include presentation of the China Intellectual Property Management Network and its activities, and will be followed by the conference titled Managing IP at Universities. From IP Awareness Building to Commercialization of Research Results. Speeches will be delivered both by the CIPnet project partners and invited guests – IP professors, persons involved in technology transfer, intellectual property, research and innovation as well as, tentatively, representatives of other stakeholders such as CNIPA, MOST and MOE. The programme of the Launch Event will be provided in due time.
The event is open for managers, directors, leaders of TTOs, persons involved in commercialization and management of IP at Chinese universities.
The working language of the Launch Event will be English, with simultaneous translation (English – Chinese).
Participation is free but places are limited, so registration is required. Registration details will be provided once the date is settled.
The Launch Event is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.