CIPnet Launch Event to Take Place Online on December 11, 2020 - Registration is Open!
Registration for CIPnet Launch Event is now open!
We are pleased to inform that the China Intellectual Property Management Network (CIPnet) Launch Event will be held online on December 11, 2020. The Event will be virtually hosted by Southwest University in Chongqing, P.R. China.
The Launch Event will include presentation of the China Intellectual Property Management Network and its activities, and will be followed by the conference titled Managing IP at Universities. From IP Awareness Building to Commercialization of Research Results. Speeches will be delivered both by the CIPnet project partners and invited guests and structured into following panel sessions: IP awareness building at universities; IP management at medical sector; Specifics of commercialization of research results.
The detailed agenda of the Launch Event is attached.
The event is open for managers, directors, leaders of TTOs, persons involved in commercialization and management of IP at Chinese universities.
The CIPnet Launch Event will take place via Zoom. Participation is free but basic registration is required. Please register via this link.
The working language of the Launch Event will be English.
The CIPnet Launch Event is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.