CIPnet Final Conference to Take Place Online on June 24&25, 2021
We are pleased to inform that the China Intellectual Property Management Network (CIPnet) Final Conference will be held online on June 24&25, 2021. The Event will be virtually hosted by East China University of Political Science and Law in Shanghai, P.R. China.
The purpose of the 2-day conference is to bring together specialists in the field of IP management (TT officers, managers, researchers, stakeholders and lawmakers) as well as all other interested in that field. Key topic of the event is: Strategies for IP management at High Education Institutions and knowledge sharing.
Conference Panels: Introduction of the China Intellectual Property Management Network, International Initiatives for Knowledge Sharing and IP management, Innovation-driven Intellectual Property Strategies, Facilitating Technology Transfer and IP Management Process, Analysis of the Legal Issues of the Technology Transfer.
While analysing activities facilitating process of the research results management a special focus will be given on Chinese universities.
The detailed agenda of the conference is attached.
The CIPnet Launch Event will take place via Zoom. Participation is free but basic registration is required. Please register via the links below:
The working language of the conference will be English.
The Final Conference is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.